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TopStore Download Tutorial

TopStore is the latest unofficial app installer to be released, not just as a Cydia alternative but to give users another app store to download from. It offers unofficial apps, games, and more, lots modified with new features and all for free.




Inside, you can find over 2,000 apps and games, including some Cydia tweaks and game emulators. And it has full support for iOS 13.


TopStore Features

Helpfully, the developers have put everything into categories, making it easier to find what you want:

  • App Store – official iOS apps and games, all free
  • Exclusive – unofficial apps and games, tweaks, screen recorders, emulators, and more
  • Tweaked Apps – stock apps with new features and functionality
  • Modified Games – official games, unlocked, and with new features, all free.

Other features include:

  • Completely free
  • No jailbreak needed
  • Works on iOS 8 to iOS 13
  • User-friendly
  • Loads more.


TopStore Download

TopStore is simple enough to download so long as you follow these steps to install the configuration profile to your device.

  1. Launch the Safari browser and download the TopStore configuration profile
  2. Tap on the Profile Download button
  3. Tap Allow and go to your Home Screen – when you see the icon, TopStore is installed

Before you use it, there is one more step:

  1. Open Settings and go to General
  2. Go into Profiles and Device Management
  3. Find the TopStore profile and tap it
  4. Tap the Trust button and close Settings
  5. Now you can use TopStore as an app store

These steps may need to be done for some of the apps and games you download from the store.


Using TopStore

Using TopStore app installer is dead easy; it has a smooth interface and is very easy to navigate:

  1. Open TopStore app installer from your home screen
  2. Choose one of the app categories
  3. Have a look through the apps and games or use the search bar to find something specific – note, you will not find every single app or game in the store
  4. Tap your choice and, when the app page opens, tap on Install
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install your app or game and wait for the icon to load on your home screen


How to Fix Common TopStore Errors

TopStore is one of the more reliable and stable app installers but we are seeing reports from some users that two common errors are occurring. Luckily, both of these are simple to resolve:


White/Blank Screen

This error is an irritation but is not a serious issue. The same steps apply if your TopStore app icon is greyed out and unusable:

  1. Open your Settings app
  2. Tap on Safari and then tap on Clear Website Data
  3. Close Settings and try TopStore – the screen or icon should now be clear

If the error persists, the easiest way to solve it so to delete TopStore and start again with a fresh installation.


TopStore Keeps Crashing

This is likely to happen every few days and it will leave you having to reinstall the app store and all your apps and games on a regular basis.

This happens because it is an unofficial app store and Apple revokes the app certificate. The developers work hard to ensure you are not affected but they can’t always replace the certificate before Apple revokes it.

Yes, you can reinstall everything every time but an easier way would be to stop it happening. There are two anti-revoke apps you can choose to install on your device and both work to protect your certificate and stop it being revoked.


Deleting TopStore

If you need to delete TopStore for any reason, you can do it simply by deleting the profile:

  1. Open iOS Settings and go to General
  2. Tap Profiles and Device Management
  3. Find the TopStore Profile and tap it
  4. Tap on Delete/Remove Profile
  5. Close Settings and you will find TopStore has been deleted
  6. If you want to reinstall it again, simply follow the steps above

TopStore is relatively new but, in a short time, it has proven itself to be an excellent unofficial app store.  If you want something different to the official store then try TopStore today – it’s totally free and you will not be disappointed.

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