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McAfee Parental Control Review

In the modern era of globalization, digital media is the one and only medium of communication that is fast and convenient. Electronic media is the most impactful media in today’s world. It helps you to stay updated about every aspect of knowledge and incidents that are occurring in every moment.

Now to manage your pace with the growth of the world, electronic device companies are making their stuff more equipped. They are much more handy and able to do multi-functioning.


McAfee Parental Control


With the help of the internet, these devices are getting more and more efficient to help you manage your knowledge and pace of life. The World Wide Web has brought the world into the palms so that you can get any update at any time.


Halt Here Before You Proceed

Though the internet is very much useful for the current trend of globalization, there are several threats. They can make the extensive uses of the internet a bit scary, especially for the kids who unknowingly get into the traps of the internet.

Now if you operate your bank accounts and other important functions from the device which your kids use, then your secrecy may be hampered.


Brief Information About


A virus is a kind of software hampering normal functions of your device and gradually blocking it from smooth functioning. This software generally enters into your devices when you browse any unsecured sites.

You can install them automatically and they will block the programs on your computer to function properly.



Anti-viruses are also software identifying and extracting those harmful viruses from your device.

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The anti-viruses can be dangerous for you as some of these are designed to steal the personal information of a user. They also give access to the device to a remotely situated party.


Why Do You Need McAfee Parental Control?

In the current scenario of globalization, everyone wants to stay updated with the current flow of incidents. In the case of the kids, they often visit some unsecured websites which may contain implicit contents.

Moreover, a huge portion of the worldwide web comes under the black web category. They use it to do a lot of illegal activities. Quite often kids are the softest targets for the dealers of black web and they can mold the minds of these kids very easily.


Track Your Children on the Internet

Now in such circumstances, you may not know about the sites where your child may be visiting and accessing on a regular basis. To keep an eye on your kids, the anti-virus making companies have added a feature called Parental Control. It allows you to limit the areas and time where your kids can only visit.


Track Your Children


The special feature includes the protection of your computer or your laptop, video games along with the television which accesses digital services. This software limits the activities of your kids and stops the unauthorized and forbidden sites to enter. 


How Does This Software Help You?

  • It put limitations on the contents which your child may see through the devices. It also stops them to see inappropriate content.
  • It restricts the time till when your child will use electronic devices like computers, laptops, tablets, and video games.
  • Parental control is also designed to forbid the usage of some inappropriate software
  • It allows you to track the activities of your child along with the location tracker.


Features of McAfee Safe Family

Every parent has deep concerns about their kids and their activities. A new reason for worry has appeared in the name of online threats. They can be described as the wrong activities on the internet.

Most of the parental control software helps you to monitor the activities of your kids. Thus kids don’t have to face any adverse situation knowingly or unknowingly.

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Reporting Features

McAfee parental controls have a special feature of reporting about the activities through notifications to you. You can monitor the activities through your device. Also, it sends you notifications if your kids try to access any kind of forbidden site from their devices.

It also makes you aware of the activities of your child throughout the day. Thus you can stay updated about the online activities of your kids.


Safe Family Settings

McAfee Safe family allows setting filters so that you can decide which websites your kids may enter or which they shouldn’t. What you have to do is to select the required filters on the device from which your child accesses the internet.

It also helps you to block up to 35 different categories of sites on your laptop, smartphone, and other devices. These include mailing options, social media platforms and so on.


Time Settings

Like the other parental control software, McAfee allows you to restrict the time up until your child can access the internet and also the device. You need to set a cap of total time your children will spend their time surfing the internet every day.

Moreover, you are allowed to specify the period of time during the day so that your child does not spend most of their time on the internet. The software is monitored by the central software. If your child wants to change the time setting also, it will have no effect.


Available for iPhone Also

The particular software is also available to install in the iPhones. It runs in iOS, Android and windows simultaneously.


Low Price

The most interesting thing about it is that the price is not very high and it can come under your budget also. It comes with an annual plan of almost $70. But before you subscribe to the annual plan you are allowed for a free 30-day trial version of it.


Some Pros and Cons of McAfee Safe Family

Some of the main features of this software:

  • It can operate on unlimited devices wherever you want to have an account for your child.
  • It restricts any kind of unauthorized activity of your kids on the internet.
  • The software does not work equally in all browsers.

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