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Right Pair for Right Mission: How to Choose It

It’s kind of sounds like a mission impossible to pick the right pair of shoes.

Especially when there is a big sale going on and you are, without any doubt, is noticing those shoes with dazzled eyes as the selections are rather noticeable.

Sometimes you just would ignore the size of the feet, the budget you have planned, or the occasion of what you have been shopping for.




These sales are so staggering that you would forget these facts and be able to select something matchable for your intended purpose.

If I pinpoint my issue here it would be what makes a thing suitable?

It’s quite effortless to find the right pair.

The one that would look smart, gorgeous on the foot, but what to do with other aspects like the assembly of the pair, the intention or the target, price, and last but not the least, the material used for it?

Apparently, you can’t drop by a Nike store in Australia with sales and pick up anything, it’s not that easy.


Pick the Right Pair 

As you made your decision to pick a shoe for yourself, you need to decide for that otherwise you will just invest your everything in nothing.

So, the first question is, where would you start from?

Now question yourself, how do you make your choice?

Do you decide on the basis of your activity, or do you do the financing first and work that out from there?

Most of the time your plans are to use the shoes for several purposes.

For example, you may think about your liking, what you like, running, jumping, dancing, walking?

This can be your start. Then narrow it down to what purposes can be served together.

Then you can decide how much you can spend and how the shoe looks to you, depending on which one is your priority.

To summarise that, you need to think of your purpose first otherwise it would be baking a cake without flour.

Skipping your need may lead you to regret your decision later on so ensure your homework is well done before buying.


Starting Now

It would be great displeasure if the shoe fall into pieces after a while with less usage for your investment.

If you believe the fault is in the production, I will say that’s a big NO.

The main reason is not the poor production, or the cheap material used to make it.

But it’s your wrong choice and illogical usage that made the shoe die an untimely death.

In straight words, you haven’t used it for its intended purpose.

I am again emphasizing your purpose to use a shoe because it’s not always the appearance that matters.

It’s the work that can be served from the product.

It would be great research if you would analyze your lifestyle, likings, and disliking.

Then you can make your decision of investing in the right pair.

Go for AU Nike stores for a variety of ranges.



Without a test drive would you just see and buy your car?

I am sure you said no.

So why wouldn’t you apply the same theory for buying the right pair?

If you don’t show your diligence before financing for a shoe, even though it’s from an AU Nike store, you would end up having frustration, disappointment, and even health injuries.

So don’t be judgemental about the shoe company or the shoe but be vigilant and mindful when you purchase them.

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