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MariaDB Xpand 6 Enhance Operational Analytics Performance

MariaDB Foundation announced that its MariaDB Xpand 6 won Foundry’s InfoWorld 2022 Technology of the Year Award, according to Yahoo Finance. With the evolution of the internet and open source software, databases will continue to evolve, allowing business to scale dynamically to support continuous growth. For example, the new MariaDB Xpand eliminates inconsistencies in data management.



This new generation and fully distributed SQL database runs at a dynamic scale that supports millions of users, diverse workloads, and transactions per second with ease, thus improving the performance of operational analytics. Keep reading to understand how MariaDB Xpand 6’s new features improve operational analytics performance.


Parallel Replication With MariaDB Xpand 6

One of the key features in MariaDB Xpand 6 is the ability to provide parallel replication. This means Xpand can replicate data across geolocation by implementing a multi-lane highway for asynchronous information replication. This new generation relational database provides a parallel replication of data independently on each node in Xpand’s clusters. Doing so increases throughput at a lower latency, resulting in transactional consistency.

Typically, MariaDB Xpand 6 maintains the order of transactions throughout the replication process. That way, consumers can deploy global applications across different locations and cloud vendors to overcome hyper-scale outages that may occur. To make the most of this feature, take time to learn the key aspects of MariaDB parallel replication, from implementation to configuration.


Columnar Perspective 

Columnar model database systems provide outstanding performance when handling large amounts of data. Xpand allows analytics to leverage columnar indexes to perform operational analytics on transactional data directly and in real-time. When using columnar features in Xpand, analytics specialists don’t have to worry about inconsistencies or missing the latest transaction information.

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MariaDB Xpand is the first modern distributed SQL database to support columnar indexes in online transaction data processing. Therefore, invest a considerable amount of time learning how to navigate this robust feature to maximize performance. Note that this new columnar feature allows Xpand to run queries at a high speed of up to 50 times faster than other SQL databases.

As you learn MariaDB Xpand’s column features, understand how to add columns with a default value and ways to create tables in MariaDB from scratch. The new columnar feature benefits applications without making changes after activating columnar indexes. Developers can also harness this advanced column feature to create smarter applications, enhance the user experience, and provide users with real-time data.


Data Scalability 

While all distributed SQL database systems provide scalability, MariaDB Xpand offers ACID-compliant scaling and the flexibility to determine how much scalability your organization needs. Ideally, you can scale one or multiple tables, or the entire database. With this feature, MariaDB provides scalability on demand and transparently redistributes data to balance workloads across all nodes and eliminate hot spots. Xpand’s elasticity also provides redundancy and high availability to protect data, even in the event of hardware malfunctions.

MariaDB Xpand’s new features enable developers to expand their use of analytics in applications without worrying about performance. Parallel replication, columnar data models, and data scalability ensure Xpand eliminates data inconsistencies, improves data availability, and supports data security throughout transaction processes. These advanced features in MariaDB Xpand are essential for scaling businesses dynamically, thus creating room for continuous growth in the ever-changing business environment.

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